The path of self-discovery begins in wonder.

Where does wisdom begin? It begins in wonder. This profound idea, often attributed to Socrates, Plato's mentor, lays the foundation for a crucial aspect of Western philosophy. It proposes that the journey towards wisdom doesn't start with definitive answers, but with the curiosity to ask questions. Socrates, celebrated for his Socratic method of questioning, maintained that by consistently challenging and probing our understanding of the world, we uncover deeper truths.

In Plato's dialogues, this approach is vividly illustrated, showing how questioning our surroundings leads to a more profound comprehension of both our own nature and the world we inhabit. This method is more than a mere quest for knowledge; it's about cultivating a mindset that values continuous learning, introspection, and the relentless pursuit of truth. Therefore, wisdom's path starts with wonder, an innate curiosity that challenges the ordinary and seeks to unravel the mysteries of life.