Socratic Method of unearthing wisdom by reflection.

What does it mean to "know thyself"? This profound inquiry, central to Socratic and Platonic philosophy, is not just about understanding one's character or emotions, but realizing one's true essence as a soul. Socrates championed the idea that an individual is fundamentally a soul, and that self-awareness is key to nurturing this inner spiritual dimension.

Plato expanded on this, advocating that taking care of the soul involves living a life of virtue and constantly seeking wisdom. In his dialogues, he illustrates that self-knowledge leads to a harmonious balance of the soul's parts, enabling one to live righteously and justly. This pursuit of virtue and wisdom is essential not only for personal well-being but also for the health of the society.

Therefore, to "know thyself" in the Platonic sense is to recognize oneself as a soul that thrives on ethical living and intellectual growth, a journey towards the highest form of self-realization and harmony.