Cupid Releasing Two Doves by Benjamin West

Benjamin West: Cupid Releasing Two Doves (1738-1820)

Cupid Releasing Two Doves by Benjamin West is a rich painting both in its visual appeal and its symbolic content. The painting presents a youthful Cupid, traditionally the god of desire, erotic love, attraction, and affection. He is depicted in the act of releasing two doves, which are often symbols of love and peace. The use of light and color in the painting is striking, with Cupid's flesh tones and the vibrant red of his drapery contrasting against the cooler background. The two doves, one with a darker and one with a lighter plumage, are poised for flight, enhancing the sense of motion and freedom.

At its core, the painting depicts an allegory of love and the release or sending forth of love's energies into the world. Cupid as Eros represents the connection between the divine and the mortal, the embodiment of the life force and the instigator of attraction. The colors of the doves could be interpreted as representing the balance of masculine and feminine energies, with the traditional associations of the colors perhaps lending themselves to this interpretation.

The composition is centered around the figure of Cupid, with a strong vertical line formed by his body and staff. The diagonals created by his outstretched arm and the placement of the doves add dynamism. The surrounding landscape and the cluster of flowers at Cupid's feet are darker, which draws the viewer's focus to the illuminated central figure and the doves. The elements of art are used effectively to create a composition that is balanced yet full of movement.

The subject matter could be interpreted as an expression of the universality of love, transcending the physical and reaching into the spiritual or emotional realms. The act of releasing the doves symbolizes the spreading of love or the joyous surrender to love’s transformative power. Cupid's gaze, following the path of the doves, invites contemplation on the journey of love and the balance between giving and receiving affection.

Benjamin West's Cupid Releasing Two Doves is a visually and symbolically complex painting. West's use of color and light imbues the scene with a sense of vitality and divine presence. The potential representation of masculine and feminine energies through the doves suggests a harmony and unity in the concept of love, a balance that is essential to its expression and experience. The painting reflects the Enlightenment's interest in classical antiquity and the Romantic era's emphasis on emotion and allegory. West's depiction of Cupid is both a homage to classical representations of the god and a nuanced interpretation of Eros as a universal, binding force, suggesting that love in its purest form is an act of both release and unification.

Art History


The First Mourning by William-Adolphe Bouguereau


Thetis Bringing Armor to Achilles by Benjamin West